Thursday, August 19, 2004

Ode To His Own Boss

Dear Editor,
Today (Feb. 23), the Post Star ran a piece on its publisher, James Marshall. In it, Ken Tingley notes his boss’ rise to power by revealing that Marshall was the son of a guy who owned a paper. In all fairness, his other qualifications include stuffing newspaper inserts, selling advertising and writing obituaries. When Marshall took over, the Post Star crushed its union to increase profits. Tingley refers to this time as “uncomfortable” and relates how the newspaper was dealing with a “legion of labor issues”. Wow, that’s really vital news that is in no way shameless revisionist self-promotion! Thanks so much! Just what I’ve come to expect from the Post Star.Back in reality, the centrist, corporate-sponsored democrats have all but selected their candidate, a white, male, ruling class, Ivy-league, frat boy (John Kerry). They want us to jump on board to defeat George W. Bush, the Republicans’ white, male, ruling class, Ivy-League, frat boy.You would think the American public and the Post Star’s readership might be interested to know if they had any real choices in 2004 (instead of the usual “lesser of two evils” choice). You would think they might be interested in a candidate who wants to repeal NAFTA, shut down corporate loopholes, go after polluters, establish clean elections, get us all health care, repeal the Patriot Act, encourage job growth, fully fund education and end oil supremacy and the nuclear race, wouldn’t you?Ralph Nader announced on Sunday that he will be making an independent run for president. His candidacy offers Americans a real choice. He is brilliant and straightforward and recognizes that the two major parties are self-serving and virtually identical. His announcement ensures that one candidate representing our best interests will be at the debates.Is this newsworthy, an actual human being running for president? The Post Star gave “Ode to My Own Boss” 24 column inches and a full color picture on the front page of the local section. Ralph Nader’s announcement was less than three column inches in the Morning Briefing on Page A2. That’s setting your priorities straight, corporate media! If it was your job to make bad editorial decisions and ignore or bury any real news and show preference for fluffy little stories that are completely irrelevant to the bulk of your readership, I’d certainly have to give you 10 out of 10! Great work!
Matt Funiciello

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