Thursday, May 17, 2007

Post-Star Shuts Down More Free Speech!

** Please note that the piece below was shamelessly reprinted without permission or recompense to its author.

The Post-Star shut down its online forum because they didn't like what was being said. They refused to print two of my letters to the editor during the last mayoral campaign without explanation. They refused to tell me why even when pressed. They cancelled the only liberal op-ed column they had when they very suspiciously dropped Molly Ivins months before the 2004 election. They gave Lee Ann Womack's concert in Glens Falls better space, pictures and about 4 times more coverage than they subsequently gave to two-time presidential candidate Ralph Nader when he came to Glens Falls. What ever will they think of next? The quote below is an announcement posted on the Letters To The Editor section of their online version. What a great day for Free Speech!

"The Post-Star has decided to remove all commenting on letters to the editor at this time. Our letter writers are held to a standard that requires them to sign their letters. The commenting feature online does not require the respondent to be identified. We don’t feel that is fair. If anyone would like to respond to a letter, they must be held to the same standard as the letter writer and be identified. They can do this by writing their own letter to the editor through the Web site or responding directly to the editor."

1 comment:

Brian said...

Hypocritical given that they publish anonymous comments both by staff members (Don Coyote) and by readers in another feature (It's Debatable).