Friday, May 2, 2008

John Thomas Writes A Letter

This is a great letter published in the Post-Star concerning their terribly sparse coverage of Ralph Nader as he visited their "hometown". Thought you might get a kick out of it. You've got to love the editor's inane comment arguing that they gave him "ample" coverage. ;-)

Nader did not get the coverage he deserves


Attendee's at the Wood Theatre were provoked by Mr. Nader to think about the situations in our nation. Mr. Nader is a seasoned Capitol Hill activist, the American people are his constituency.

Mr. Nader offers solutions to help us out of mire we've gotten into, solutions that cost only commitment and participation in the upcoming election.

Many people will not vote, some vote the party line, some will watch exit polls, vote for projected winners; projected winners have enough votes, we have to vote our conscience.

We do not have to vote for either of the two parties, and we do not have to vote to elect the lesser of two evils. It's time to take back our streets, schools, children, censor TV shows and hobble the Internet. We are distracted from government by mindless drivel; TV, movies, Internet, trash radio and biased news reporting.

Consider -- the economy is suffering, schools are suffering, huge energy issues, and Rachael Ray gets more press in the Sunday, April 27 paper than a viable, cogent, honest and altruistic presidential candidate; none of the current three popular presidential hopefuls on their best day can make any of those claims.

What have any of them done for the American people except spend tax dollars like they were on a game show. If any of the three popular hopefuls were coming to Glens Falls, I'm sure there would have been larger coverage in the paper.

I would like to see deeper and less opinionated coverage in media than we experience. The choice to run or not run a story is critical to the integrity of the paper. The editor has license. I believe the editor also has a greater and public responsibility to go with the power of that license.



EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Nader's visit got ample play in our publication, including a preview story last week on his upcoming visit that included a phone interview with the candidate.

1 comment:

Kate Austin-Avon said...

I love the editor's note tacked on there. Common citizens are not permitted to comment on letters to the editor (which normally are not necessarily TO the editor, but a way of publishing our opinion) but the EDITOR can just make anybody sound ridiculous by swinging their title around and dropping their turd comments wherever they please.