Friday, January 23, 2009

What Color Tin Foil Hat Would You Like?

Here is my answer to those who are intelligent enough to think for themselves and who wish to know more about the events of 9-11 and the obvious lies told to us by our government.

To get your feet wet, watch Tower 7 come down. Watch the Trade Center owner say that they "decided to pull it" because of the "fire". Ask yourself, what does "pull it" means? Are all Manhattan skyscrapers wired to explode at their owner's command? Why has corporate media never played this video at all even though they are the ones who took it (it is CBS footage, I believe). Why haven't we seen it 67 times a day as we have with the other two towers?

Here is "Hunt the Boeing", a favorite site of mine. How did the plane that hit the Pentagon disappear completely? Where is the wreckage and where are the bodies? Where are the wings? Why is the lawn still pristine right after the hit? Why is the hole too small for the size of plane they claim hit the Pentagon?

This is Mike Ruppert's site, "From The Wilderness". He was an L.A. cop fired for investigating CIA drug connections to South America. He sued, got a large settlement and set himself up as an investigative journalist (maybe one of the last we'll ever see). Read items 50-54 especially regarding "put options" (basically they are bets that a stock will decline in value). The 9/11 Commission's findings on the historical trading activity going on ONLY on United and American Airlines just prior to 9/11 was that an investigation of these specific activities would not prove foreknowledge so ... they refused to investigate it further.

The film listed below "Loose Change" was made by a combat vet who served in Iraq. The information in it was incredible when I saw first saw it in 2002 but it has since gotten even more amazing. If you're thinking of buying a copy, get "Loose Change - Final Edition".

I wrote this blurb below for our own showing of Loose Change some time back;

"Almost 60% of New Yorkers don't believe that 9/11 happened the way our government says it does. I have lots of questions myself. I want to know why Tower 7 (a third Trade Center tower) imploded at 5:20 pm on 9/11 and never gets shown on TV at all? I want to know why the hole in the Pentagon looks far too small to fit a 757 cockpit? I want to know where the plane's wreckage went? I want to know who bought all those "put options" (only on) United and American Airlines stock in the weeks preceding 9/11? Surely, these people had foreknowledge and need to be questioned and prosecuted? I want to know why we are being lied to about the War Games being played that day and also the day of the London Tube bombings (what amazingly improbable coincidence in both cases!). I have spent a considerable amount of time trying to find answers to these questions. One of the best places to start your own search for truth is this brave film, LOOSE CHANGE, made by an Iraq War Vet who wanted answers to some very reasonable questions (as any good patriot should). If you'd like to know more about the "official story" and how it just doesn't add up, get your feet wet."

Take this all in small doses. There's a lot to digest. Don't think of any of it as "conspiracy theory", though. More like ... critical thinking. There are very few definitive answers to any of the questions one can ask about what really happened but knowing that our government is lying to us all about it and is unwilling to investigate the truth is key. There had to government involvement or complicity. Incompetence just isn't a good enough answer for what they have done. It simply doesn't ring true. Check it out for yourself!

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