Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I Ran Into Sundwall Today ...

----- Original Message -----
From: Joe Seeman
Cc: Matt Funicello
Sent: 3/3/2009 3:39:32 PM
Subject: I ran into Sundwall today

FYI: I ran into Eric Sundwall, who is trying to get on the ballot to run for the NY 20th congressional district. This was before the Murphy-Tedsico debate in Saratoga, when he approached a group of us rallying outside with Murphy signs.
Sundwall had someone with a camera, and he acted like he was a journalist interviewing us. When asked who he was, he answered that he was from some TV show & didn't mention that he was a candidate until someone pointed that out.
He asked about the Stimulus bill, which he decried as creating a terrible future for our children. He was repeating the Rush Limbaugh extreme right wing rhetoric, and clearly is a right wing extremist on economic issues. When I mentioned the jobs the Stimulus bill will create, he indicated he didn't think government should be creating jobs.
He got quite hostile when he didn't get the answers he wanted, and walked off in a huff.

Dear Joe,

With all due respect, Eric Sundwall and the NYS Libertarian Party DO have a show. It is on Schenectady cable access. It is an all-inclusive third-party political forum
called the "Capitol Outsider". You can check it out at: capitaloutsider.org

Eric is quite frequently the host or reporter for the show.

Also, Rush Limbaugh is not the place from which most anti-pork citizens gain their hatred of government handouts to big business. Though I am a Green, I absolutely share Eric's Libertarian hatred of pork in all its myriad shapes and sizes. We have this in common with all the Dems who fight for IDA reform, the anti-WalMart gang, the anti-bailout crowd, single payer advocates and anyone who owns or runs a business in this state that employs people and pays taxes. You don't have to listen to, or like, or even agree with, Rush Limbaugh to see that handing out hard-earned tax dollars to rich scumbags and thieving welfare developers is a huge mistake.

Like me, Sundwall and many others in this CD, are not Republicans. We are simply in a kind of agreement with them on this one issue. We do not see this "stimulus" as a stimulus. It is nothing more than further pork for the ruling class. We've seen enough! After 8 years of Clinton selling our manufacturing base to China for a dollar. After 8 years of Bush's war and oil pork. After two months of Obama's Wall Street bailout pork, it is simply time to stop this killing of the workers in our country by stealing their futures to feed the ruling class. Enough is enough, already.

More taxpayer money being thrown away to better those who don't need it is not a supportable viewpoint. It is idiocy and just because this time it is YOUR corporate war candidate's idiocy instead of Bush's doesn't make it any better. Simply saying over and over again, "We have to do something" and putting this plan forward doesn't make it any more palatable for those of us who see it for what it is. No jobs or rejuvenation of the stock market will result from this ridiculous package based on even the most sophomoric projections I have seen.

As an aside, I have to ask, how can you support Scott "Blue Dog" Murphy? He is pro-war and you're not. Right?

He also seems to have made his money by oppressing foreign workers (just like everyone else who claims to have made their money in "computers"). Aren't you against slavery and worker oppression?

Politics makes for strange bedfellows but this match makes no sense to me at all.


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