Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Making Nice With the Fascist Scum

I grew up in Canada but spent summers down here. My parents were both peace activist during Vietnam (my father is also a veteran). I would say that I grew up with Democratic ideals. As such, I voted for Clinton in 1992 as my first national vote stateside. I saw the "NAFTA/Health Care/Bomb Iraq Shell Game", saw the light and have voted for Nader and Greens and independents ever since. Why? Because I read and I have basic analytical skills.
While I recognize that most Americans don't read and that many are seriously challenged when it comes to matters that require critical thinking, I fail to see any benefit in having people active within our party who aren't really third party and who don't really understand what we're trying to do. These confused people who enter in and out of the Green Party periphery don't understand why we're here and I don't see the point in having them around. Are they useful and productive?
We really have to fight to change things. A few extra sheeple who've been recruited but who "never really drank the koolaid" are just a hindrance. they should never be viewed as an asset. When a Democrat or a Republican or a Libertarian or an independent realizes that joining the Green party is the only answer, thats GREAT! That person will stick with it because they arrived at this conclusion on their own and are smart enough to understand the underlying necessity in what it is we are trying to do.
Democrats, by virtue of their party registration alone, are not smart enough to understand this basic premise. As such, you can't expect these "recruits" you're worried about to be loyal and you can't expect them to do things that make sense from a third party perspective. They don;t have one. They're Democrats! I see no benefit in gaining warm bodies, Hillary, if the minds that come with them are brainwashed and malfunctioning.
As long as there are Republicans, the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex will rein and we will have war for profit. As long as there are Democrats, the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex will rein and we will have war for profit. We can't be nice to Dems by exaggerating their importance to us. Instead, be compassionate and peaceful to those amongst them (as I am). Help them doubt their party leadership by telling them the truth and plying them with good books and Green thoughts.
BUT, also be honest with them that we feel there party is EQUALLY responsible for Iraq, no health care, poverty, corporate control and all the rest of the world's ills. My "making nice" simply involves telling Dems that while they may not personally be fascists, their PARTY sure as hell is!

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