Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Ron Paul Meetings

Those who know me are aware that I am, first and foremost, a strong advocate of the Three D's: Discourse, Debate and Democracy. After that, I am a Ralph Nader supporter. After that, a Green. I know many of you that I count as friends who, unlike me, are working from within the two parties and I respect that choice.
While I can't see myself working for a two-party candidate under any circumstance, I do plan to come out and meet some fellow citizens who are politically active and ho plan to support Ron Paul in the Republican primaries. From what I have read, I see Congressman Paul performing much the same function that Denis
Kucinich does in running for his party's nomination. While Paul, with strong connections to the Nixon and Reagan administrations could hardly be considered "alternative", he has certainly not been a party loyalist and has a more Libertarian viewpoint of the world than many within his party. He has consistently voted against the Patriot Act and the Iraq War and is, to say the least, a strong advocate of our Constitution.
If you are interested in hearing one of the many alternative political viewpoints that exist outside of mainstream television politics, then come out and meet local Ron Paul supporters. Their first meeting is tomorrow, Wednesday August 8th at 7:30 pm at Rock Hill Cafe in downtown Glens Falls. I may just see you there!

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